Sara Shepard - Unbelievable (Pretty Little Liars #4)

Four pretty little liars' charmed lives have turned into living nightmares.

Emily's been shipped off to Iowa to live with her überconservative cousins. Aria's boyfriend is behind bars—because of her. Spencer's afraid she was involved in Ali's murder. But Hanna's fate is far worse: She's clinging to life in the hospital because she knew too much.

If these girls don't start listening to me, Hanna's going to look like the lucky one.

Hűha!! Azt hiszem, ez volt a sorozat történetének legizgalmasabb kötete. Eddig legalábbis... :) A kezdett bedurvulni, egyre több dolog derült ki és az a befejezés!! Még jó, hogy a kezem ügyében volt a következő kötet, mert nehezen bírtam volna ki, hogy ne kezdjek bele azonnal. :)

Az a probléma, ami általában a könyvsorozatoknál előjön, az itt is felszínre került: hogy hogyan írjak bejegyzést minden egyes kötetről, mikor annyi mondanivalóm azért nincs róluk, főleg azért, mert 1) számomra teljesen egybefolynak az események, mivel folyamatosan egymás után olvasom a részeket, 2) és mert akkora a spoilerveszély, hogy az nemigaz, és nem akarom elrontani senkinek az olvasását, hogy elspoilerezek valamit. Szóval úgy döntöttem, hogy ezekről a PLL könyvekről csak mini-bejegyzések lesznek, amikben leírom a gondolataimat spoilermentesen, röviden az adott kötetről, illetve kiírom a kedvenc idézeteimet. :)

Kedvenc idézetek

"Are you effing kidding me? Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. There’s no happily ever after in Rosewood."

"Ali might’ve been a bitch, but she didn’t deserve anything like that."

"Better watch your back…or you’ll be a dead bitch too.—A"

"She thought she was in love, too, but it certainly didn’t make her feel like she was on a roller coaster. Inside the fun house was more like it—with surprises at every turn, and absolutely no idea what would happen next."

""Whenever I think about him, my stomach swoops around like I’m on a roller coaster,” she’d swooned. “Being in love is the best feeling in the world.”"

"Sucks to be in the dark, huh? Imagine how the blind must feel! If you tell ANYONE what I did, I’ll put you in the dark for good. Mwah! —A"

"Mona held the mask up to Hanna’s face, which was still half-covered by the blanket. “It will cover all your bruises. You’ll be the most gorgeous girl at your party.” 
“Hanna’s already gorgeous,” Lucas piped up, whirling around from all the medical machines. “Even without a mask.” 
Mona’s nose wrinkled as if Lucas had just told her he was going to take her temperature in her butt."

"Art is about seeing, right? Well, guess what? It isn’t, not entirely. Art is also touching and smelling…and most definitely feeling. But mostly, it’s about letting go. It’s about taking everything you thought was true and throwing it out the window. It’s about embracing life’s unpredictability, letting go of boundaries, and starting over."

★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

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