Hans Christian Andersen - Fairy Tales

Fülszöveg: A delightful collection of magical folk tales.

Hans Andersens evocative stories blend wit and pathos, his light but shrewd touch revealing the selfishness and stupidity of man. In The Emperors New Clothes it takes a child to point out the Emperors foolishness and his excess of pride eventually makes him a laughing stock. His stupidity is therefore punished, just as the modesty and good nature of The Ugly Duckling is justly rewarded in the end. Andersens fresh and vivacious tone illuminates all of the old favourites in this selection – which include The Little Mermaid, The Princess on the Pea, The Tinderbox, and The Snow Queen.

These imaginative and humorous fairy tales remain as universally popular today as when they were created 150 years ago.

Miután kivettem a könyvtárból, órákig mosolyogtam. Annyira boldoggá tett, hogy nem csak, hogy összegyűjtötték Andersen csodás meséit, de még angolul is kiadták. :)
Ha lesz gyerekem, és tudni fog már angolul, biztos, hogy megveszem neki. :)

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