David Hosp - Game of Death

Imagine being able to create and experience your deepest dreams and your darkest fantasies – Boston entrepreneur and techno whizz kid, Nick Calder, with the help of his long-time friend and colleague, Yvette, has devised a programme where people can do just that – all from the safety and comfort of their home.  NextLife is an exciting young company on the brink of going public which promises its subscribers the chance to experience anything they want. Climb Everest. Dive off the Barrier Reef. Go to a 1970s Rolling Stones concert. Walk the Great Wall of China. But it seems that one of their clients had much more sinister desires. And it involved the girl with the wonderful blue eyes.

Életem első Bookdepository-s rendelése, csak mert olcsó volt, és megfogott a fülszöveg. És az első 140 oldalt imádtam is, de aztán jött a mélyrepülés...

Az alapötlet, vagyis egy olyan virtuális valóság weboldal (ami mostanában kezd divat lenni a valóságban is), amin az emberek bármilyen élethelyzetet átélhetnek, nagyon tetszett. Imádom az ilyen cyber-dolgokat. Érdekesnek találtam a weboldal felépítését és a történetét taglaló részeket.

A szereplők is rendben voltak, Nick olyan kis átlagos kocka srác, Yvette egy kemény feminista csaj, és a mellékszereplők is kedvelhetőek voltak. És a történet alakulása is izgalmas volt. Akkor mégis hol van itt a probléma?

Nem tudom... valahogy a közepe felé annyira, de annyira vontatottá vált, hogy napokig a könyv felé sem néztem, és egy oldalon vesztegeltem sokáig. Most inkább félreteszem, és majd egyszer újra nekikezdek. :/




Kedvenc idézetek

"'You're all the same,' Yvette chuckles. 'You're painting with a pretty broad brush, don't you think?' 'My brush isn't broad; men are narrow.'"

"There is something intoxicating about sitting in public with an attractive girl, even if she is only a friend. Every man who passes thinks you're having sex with her, and the envy radiates from them. It makes you feel powerful."

"Honesty is dangerous with her. She is like a dog with a fresh joint when she senses the core truth in any personal revelation. She will gnaw on it for hours, sucking the marrow out of every emotional implication until there is nothing left but inert bone, all of the meat chewed out of it. It's an exhausting process that usually requires several shots of tequila, and I'm not up for that at the moment."

"The first thing I notice is her face. It is so perfect it seems unlikely that it could ever exist in the real world. Her white skin is flawless, her features perfectly symmetrical, her lips red and wet and full, parting with every gasp. It is her eyes that hold me, though. They are a shade of blue I have never seen, with flecks of gold and crystal, and they are so penetrating it feels as though they are reaching out straight through his eyes into mine, begging me for . . . something. I can't quite make out what it is. It's like those eyes have captured the dialectic of every human emotion that ever mattered – love and hate; ecstasy and terror; comfort and jealousy – and rolled them into a single glance that could level entire cities. I am slaughtered."

★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (5/10)

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