MINIKRITIKA | David Levithan: Six Earlier Days (Every Day #0,5)

In Every Day, New York Times bestselling author David Levithan presented readers with his most ambitious novel to date: Every morning, A wakes up in a different body and leads a different life. A must never get too attached, must never be noticed, must never interfere. The novel Every Day starts on Day 5994 of A’s life. In this digital-only collection Six Earlier Days, Levithan gives readers a glimpse at a handful of the other 5993 stories yet to be told that inform how A navigates the complexities of a life lived anew each day. In Every Day, readers discover if you can truly love someone who is destined to change every day. In Six Earlier Days, readers will discover a little bit more about how A became that someone. Fans of Levithan’s books such as Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist, co-written with Rachel Cohn, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson, co-written with John Green, will not want to miss A’s adventures in Every Day and Six Earlier Days.

David Levithan Every Day sorozata óriási kedvenc lett számomra, így nem volt kérdés, hogy ez a kis kiegészítő novella is tetszeni fog. Hat különböző napba tekinthettünk bele A életében. Először azt hittem, hogy a Nap nap után eseményei előtti hat napról lesz szó, de ezek a napok különböző években játszódtak. Többféle személyiségtípust megismerhettünk, és megtudhattuk, hogyan érzett A az életben betöltött szerepével kapcsolatban különböző életszakaszokban, különböző események hatására. Nekem nagyon tetszett ez a kis szösszenet, és már alig várom a harmadik könyvet. *-*

Kedvenc idézetek

Reading is not life. Reading is creating life in your head.

I figure we'll set up in the den or the kitchen, since I'm a boy today and she's a girl, and most parents have the mistaken notion that if a boy and a girl are alone in a room with a bed, pregnancy will ensue.

The desire to be heard is as deeply seeded as the desire to be loved.

To swim is to transform yourself into an unnatural creature, to take on an element that should not be your own. To swim is to experience the world differently, or to experience a different world temporarily.

★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)

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