Back in middle school, Ali plucked Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer from obscurity and turned them into the beautiful, popular girls everyone wanted to be. Ali was the best friend they ever had. But she also made them do terrible things and taunted them with their worst secrets. Now, three years later, all their questions about Ali have finally been answered and they can put this awful chapter of their lives behind them. Or so they think.
Not every story has a happy ending, especially when four pretty little liars have done so many wicked things. In the dramatic conclusion of Sara Shepard's bestselling Pretty Little Liars series, Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer could get everything they've ever wanted—unless A has one more horrifying twist in store.
Sara Shepard ezt a kötetet tervezte a sorozat befejező részeként. Az utószóban így is kezdi:
It’s with a heavy heart that I write the acknowledgments for the last book in the Pretty Little Liars series. Writing these books has been a thrilling adventure from beginning to end, and I’m still pinching myself that this has been my life for the past four years.
Aztán hál'istennek meggondolta magát, és mégis folytatta a sorozatot, ám ebben a kötetben választ kapunk minden kérdésünkre, és egyfajta lezárásnak tekinthetjük a Wanted-et. A következő kötetben ugrunk egyet az időben, nem túl messzire ugyan, de a hőseink egy icipicit tiszta lappal kezdhetnek. Ám nem sokáig. :)
Visszavonok minden olyan kijelentést, amit az előző kötetekről írtam, mikor azt mondtam, hogy ez volt az eddigi legizgalmasabb rész a sorozatban. Mert ez nem igaz, ugyanis kétségkívül a Wanted a legizgalmasabb. Nagyon pörögnek az események, végre kiderül, hogy ki is az a bizonyos A, és bár én nem lepődtem meg, mert végig rá tippeltem, szerintem bizonyosan meg fogtok lepődni!! :)
Nem szeretnék többet írni erről a kötetről, mert aki nem olvasta, annak nem akarom ellőni a poénokat, aki pedig olvasta, annak úgysem tudok újat mondani. Ezt meg kell tapasztalni, el kell olvasni!!
Kedvenc idézetek
"Cheesy as it was, Hanna had begun to wonder if it wasn’t popularity that made her truly beautiful but something much deeper. Maybe she really was fabulous Hanna Marin, after all."
"Emily knelt down next to Ali’s grave and plunged her hand into the plastic bag. The patent leather change purse squeaked against her fingers. She’d stuffed it with as many photos and notes from Ali as she could, the sides bulging and the zipper barely closing. Sighing, she traced a finger over the E. Ali had presented it to Emily after French class in sixth grade. “ Pour vous , from moi ,” she’d said.
“What’s the occasion?” Emily asked.
“There isn’t one.” Ali bumped Emily’s hip. “Just that I hope Emily Fields is my very bestest friend forever.”"
"Sometimes they felt like lifeless dolls, with Ali coordinating their every move."
"Ali was the most popular girl at Rosewood Day, the school they attended. Guys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her, parents thought she was perfect, and she always got everything she wanted."
★★★★★★★★★★ (10/10)
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